
Contrary to popular belief.
Città di Bergamo

Grazia Signori is among the 60 Italian Euro-geologists (geologists with professional credentials recognized internationally).
Graduated from the Faculty of Earth Sciences at the University of Milan with a thesis in experimental petrology during the academic year 1999/2000, she has been dedicated to natural stones since 1999. She initially engaged in research projects at the CNR IDPA (National Council of Research, Institute for the Dynamics of Environmental Processes) and later, from 2005 to 2016, led the Testing Laboratory of the Marble and Stone District of Veneto, a global center of excellence in stone processing.
Since the end of 2016, she has been involved with Mapei SPA in technologies for the installation of architectural stone paving for historic town centers and prestigious urban and landscape settings in Italy and worldwide.
Previously a contract professor and subject expert for the universities of Milan Bicocca, Cattolica in Brescia, and Piacenza, she has co-authored scientific and popular publications dedicated to ornamental stones. Since 2005, she has been an appointed expert on numerous national UNI and European CEN standardization committees.
Since June 2015, she has served as the Coordinator of the national standardization working group dedicated to natural stones, UNI/CT 033/GL 20 “Stone Floors and Coverings.”
In 2013, she was acclaimed into the Ateneo di Scienze Lettere ed Arti di Bergamo, where she has been an academic member since 2014.
Since 2013, she has been a member of the non-profit Italian Association Geologia e Turismo, founded within the academic network to enhance the scientific value of geological heritage for qualified cultural tourism. She has been a member of the board of directors since 2019; she designs and implements routes to discover the lithic heritage of the substrate and urban constructs, coordinating the Geo-tourism & Urban Stones working group: the geological study of cities as both material and immaterial culture, integrating historical and architectural insights with geological knowledge of the region and beyond.
Besides scientific publications, among her main recent popular ones: the book ENTRANCES OF MILAN (2017), published by TASCHEN and curated by Karl Kolbitz, in which she co-authored the work and managed the identification of lithotypes for 144 opulent entrances of Milanese buildings, designed between 1920 and 1970 by prominent Italian architects. Another notable publication is the booklet LOST OCEANS, SHIFTING SANDS, MEANDERING RIVERS, DORMANT VOLCANOS: A STONE DIORAMA IN THE CENTER OF BERGAMO, published by the Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Bergamo and dedicated to ornamental stones used in modern Bergamo’s center, with an English edition in 2019 and 2020. In 2023, alongside Andrea Angheben, they published the volume PORPHYRY – Technical Guide of a Noble Stone, targeted at planners, technicians, and administrators engaged with open spaces and landscapes, available in English and published by Italporphyry/Consorzio Italiano Porfido del Trentino.
Since 2024, she has been appointed as a NAHR Ambassador.


First impressions are what truly matter, particularly in a city like Milan. In a building, the first impression, after the façade, is formed by what we see once we cross its threshold: the entrance. What mysteries lie behind the austere wooden door? What lives intertwine behind the glass pane through which we glimpse only fleeting shadows? Few architectural conventions are as ubiquitous, and thus taken for granted, as the threshold. There is no doubt that these quintessential spaces of mediation have evolved uniquely in Italy, and in no other Italian city do they exhibit such formal complexity, functional articulation, and spatial sophistication as in Milan, a city where the 20th century unfolded with grace and elegance.


via sarca 10
24020 Ranica (BG) Italy


progetto grafico ascionemagro